Is Google Chromecast really Wi-fi only?

This is supposed to be a support ticket for Google Chromecast.

Having a private Plex server I use the Hi-fi Cast app from Android phones to Chromecast audio, along with Vradio. I also have a private network with servers and a second fixed public ip in addition to the public ip of my wifi-router. It happens that I also have a second dhcp server in addition to the wifi-router dhcp, where I only have a small range of addresses. The 2 servers provide different gateways to the wifi devices.

So if the Chromecast and the phone have 2 different gateways (and 2 different public ips), even though being in the same subnet, Chromecast won’t connect. Or at least it will but never fully and certainly not in a stable or usable way.

And is not only about the outdated Chromecast audio, this happens for the Chromecast in the Xiaomi Mibox too.

Is there a hidden security policy?

So Google needs to know! Right?

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