Is Google Chromecast really Wi-fi only?

This is supposed to be a support ticket for Google Chromecast. Having a private Plex server I use the Hi-fi Cast app from Android phones to Chromecast audio, along with Vradio. I also have a private network with servers and a second fixed public ip in addition to the public ip of my wifi-router. It…

Launchkey mk3 ? Really ?

I upgraded to the Novation latest Ableton controller, the Launchkey mk3 25, just after trying the older mini mk2. I thought the mk3 could only do better, but here’s a list of things I’d like to see in the next firmware upgrade: – selected track/clip highlight: THIS ONE IS CRUCIAL: sometimes is not clear which…

AM6GE Phonic 6 Channel Mixer – my Amazon review

There are many things to say about this , depending how much you know analog audio recording. So be sure to read the manual ! Using a mixer helps playing with the right pitch levels, indicated in the modo peak indicators and in the master output stereo lights. This is crucial to a good recording…

In the sunset

I make music In solitary confinement I make music In the sunrise I sleep In the sunset I make music and I am afraid when I think of you. a-a7 mi-

LPD8 Wireless on G-stomper

Put The selected track of both Synth and Drum sampler in the same Program3 channel 2 and use a spare Drum with empty sample, or a spare Synth with level 0, to avoid overlapping. Some CCs and notes need be the same on all LPD8 programs (you want to have at least the Master Volume…